The Next Four Years.
November 11, 2016
Back in March I wrote that
Hillary Clinton
had a huge messaging problem. Turned out it was worse than I thought. I also
wrote that the Republicans would let the Trump dog and pony show
play out as long as they could and would suffer any embarrassment as long
as it got them the White House. That also proved to be true, although I got the
name wrong of who the Republican president would
Guess what? The news is
only going to get worse.
You might ask how is this possible?
Have you seen the people
Trump is putting in his cabinet? Myron Ebell, a man
who has made his career being an activist climate change denier, for Secretary
of the EPA? Ben Carson, a doctor who believes that religion takes priority over
science, for Secretary of Education? Sarah Palin for Secretary of Interior? I don’t even need
to go into what a FUBAR that is. Oh, that clown car is going to get much, much
worse based on the names that are being floated about. But that’s not even the
worst part.
The worst is that Donald
Trump will not be president by 2019; Mike Pence will.
And if that doesn’t freak
you out, then you probably don’t know who Mike Pence is.
Two parts:
The first part – what will happen to Trump?
He will no doubt be
impeached. Look, Donald Trump is a personality, not a businessman. He plays one
on TV but honestly what kind of businessman can lose a billion dollars running
a casino? He avoids paying taxes but that‘s because he hired effective
accountants and tax attorneys. You don’t honestly think Donald Trump stays at
home in April with a pencil and an adding machine filing out his
own taxes by hand do you? I can’t imagine him using TurboTax either. So
basically he hires people to do his business thinking for him. He’s just the
face of the franchise, which is essentially all he does these days: sell his
name for people to slap on their buildings. He doesn’t really even build
anything anymore because he’s been sued so often for breach of contract. That
kind of devil-may-care attitude won’t play well in a job that demands lots of
focus and remembering lots of details and lots of diplomacy. It was pretty
clear from the campaign that he does not have the temperament or the patience
or the discipline to be an effective president. Can you imagine him sitting
through the morning security briefing with all the details with foreign names?
It’s just not in his DNA. He’s also so thin-skinned and so eager to show what a
big-shot he is that he will undoubtedly tweet something – either a state secret
or something offensive directed at a foreign dignitary – that will warrant
removal from office. He’s also got the little problem of a fraud case before
the courts that the presiding judge has advised him to settle.
But even if he does
survive his legal troubles, he’s also going to have to get along with a
Republican Congress that already has plans to privatize Social Security and
Medicare and gut the mandates from the ACA in order to allow insurance
companies to refuse anyone they please. Trump has actually said that there are
some parts of Obamacare that he likes. That won’t
play well with the ultra-reactive, arch conservatives who want to white-out
Obama from the history books. He promised to implement term limits on Congress
but that is going to run into some virulent opposition from the people he seeks
to limit, especially since they are the ones who have to vote on it. Trump won
because he promised the disenfranchised something to make their lives a little
easier, but if all he does is cuts taxes on corporations expecting them to
bring jobs home from overseas (they won’t), re-write the tax code to favor only
those making $150,000 or more (which will be the result of his current tax
plan), and then pillages the middle and lower classes’ remaining retirement and
returns them to the mercy of the insurance company bean-counters, there really
are going to be mobs with pitchforks storming the gates. But if he doesn’t toe
the party line and goes off message – as he’s done so often - the Republican
Congress will not have to struggle to find a reason to impeach him. Trump is
basically in a pickle: take orders from Congressional leaders, or go with his
whim and get impeached. If he does the latter, the only way he stays in office
is to mobilize the people who voted for him to put massive pressure on
Congress. Given this Congress’ imperviousness to public opinion – they have one
of the lowest approval ratings of any Congress in modern history - that likely
won’t matter. Trump is basically gone if he behaves like Trump.
Trump’s impeachment will
put Mike Pence into the presidency… the
second part.
And this is where it gets
worse. Much worse. Mike Pence is a Republican insider,
and has been since his days on the Agriculture and Judiciary sub-committees
back in 2001. Why worry about him? Well,
if you are LGBT, while he was governor of
Pence cut funding to
universities and social services. Economic growth in his
state ranked last in the country while he was governor. He signed laws blocking
local governments from requiring businesses to offer higher wages or benefits
beyond those required by federal law. He
repealed a law that required construction companies working on publicly funded
projects to pay a prevailing wage. He abolished inheritance taxes, and despite
He is hugely in favor of
trade pacts, like NAFTA, CAFTA and the TPP, which is ironic since those are one
of the reasons he lost Carrier and UTEC in his state. Nevertheless, he is
lock-step with the Republican Congress that wants to outsource tens of
thousands of manufacturing jobs and give foreign companies
equal legal footing in this country. He is also massively in favor of the
Citizen’s United decision, stating that it took us
“one step closer to the Founding Father’s vision of free speech.” In case you
didn’t know, before 1857, corporations in the
But perhaps long term what
is most disturbing about Mike Pence’s tenure in
Frankly, it is not too
hard to imagine that this was the plan all along. If Trump self-destructed
before the convention, the RNC could push someone they really wanted to be the candidate.
Once the convention happened, a Trump self-destruction would enable Mike Pence
to take the reins. Now that Trump won, they can just wait until Trump melts
down under the pressure and move their guy into the Oval.
So if you thought it was
bad that Trump won the Presidency, or if you voted for him thinking he was
going to change things in