The Real Reagan/Carter Legacy
September 8, 2012
There are a lot of myths
in politics floating around that have gained so much traction that they are now
often considered as fact. One that is
extremely popular among conservatives is the idea that governments only get in
the way of private enterprise. One of
the most common examples used to support this theory is the Chilean economy
under Pinochet. After he wrested power
in a military coup d’etat in 1973, Pinochet fully
embraced the Chicago
School economic model of
Milton Freidman that advocated privatization of almost all industries (defense excepted) and it was that decision that supposedly turned
his third world economy into a powerhouse.
This is the “go to” for conservatives when they talk about what would be
good for the US.
There are a few reasons
why this wouldn’t work here. First, Pinochet was a murderous tyrant. That’s
generally a non-starter for the kind of person Americans want as their leader.
However, it was because of this attribute that he was able to implement the
philosophy unilaterally. His opposition literally disappeared, meaning he could
implement the theory in its purest form. So that could not happen here (one
would hope). Another reason is because it didn’t work as well in Chile as the
advocates suggest. By several economic indicators the Chilean economy under him
was no stronger than any other in South America
and by some (like foreign debt owed) its strength was somewhat of a mirage. What
is rarely cited is the fact that Chile’s copper industry was never
privatized. It was so vital to the Chilean economy that Pinochet never risked
letting anyone else run it. How vital? That single industry supplied 30% of the
government’s revenue. To give some perspective to how huge a number that is,
the total of all corporate taxes as a percentage of federal revenue in the US has hovered
between 7% and 9% over the last decade. Even during the 1950s when taxes were
at their highest levels of the century they averaged 28% of all federal
revenues. And Chile’s
government was getting that and more from one single entity. Regardless of how
you interpret the economic indicators, that one fact neuters the Chicago School
argument, at least when it comes to the “success” in Chile.
Another myth that has been
floating around for almost as long is that Ronald Reagan was somehow a magical
president. He is credited with saving a
moribund American economy and single-handedly defeating the Soviet empire. Some of the sheen of his foreign policy glory
has come off due to revelations in popular movies like “Charlie Wilson’s War”
that let people in on the fact that there were a number of people who had a
greater hand in those events. So now is
as good a time as any to take a much more fact-based look at his real legacy.
I’ll start with the fall
of the Soviet Union since that will play a
part in the economic recovery. By the
time he was inaugurated, the Soviet economy was rife with corruption. It was commonplace for regional administrators
to lie about their quotas, and an economy that had grown at a healthy pace in
the 1960s – in some years greater than that of the US - had slowed to a near
standstill by the mid-1970s. Brezhnev’s
second central plan (1970-1975) was increasingly heavy on defense spending
(between 12%-15% of the USSR’s
GDP) despite the fact they had no pressing need. Perhaps that’s why an
incursion into Afghanistan
seemed like a good opportunity to put it to use. The plan was also more focused
on producing consumer goods like cars and watches – which at the time were
flooding the market – rather than industrial capital goods. The problem was
they had too much competition for customers, especially with emerging producers
like China and Japan coming
onto the scene. Those industries withered while the raw materials producers –
the same people who evolved into the oligarchs who control their economy today –
gained a stronger hold. Conservatives like to claim that Reagan’s defense
spending, particularly SDI, forced the Soviets to increase their defense
spending past critical levels, but the military spending apparatus was already
in gear before Reagan took office and all available data points to their
spending levels remaining fairly constant throughout the 1970s and 1980s. In fact, in 1989 Gorbachev revealed that the
Soviet military budget was only $129 billion that year, half of what defense
and intelligence analysts had projected, and that the Soviet military budget
had been decreasing for several years.
They were not spending outrageous sums to counter Reagan’s escalated
defense spending; the blame for the economic collapse lay squarely with
Brezhnev’s short-sighted plan, both in concept and execution.
The SDI claim is
particularly laughable as scientists on both sides of the Atlantic felt it
would be 20-30 years before a working prototype could be launched. To this day,
the technology still has not been successfully developed. Even if it were,
effective counter-measures could be deployed at one tenth the cost. In effect,
Reagan was trying to bluff the same people who invented space travel - the
first to conceptualize it, first to put unmanned and manned missions in space,
etc. – that we had developed a revolutionary space weapon. The Soviets main
concern about SDI was not as a defensive game-changer, but that it would
instead be deployed as a platform from which to launch offensive missiles. At
their historic meeting at Reykjavik,
Reagan purportedly offered the technology to Gorbachev as part of a disarmament
agreement, to which Gorbachev replied, “I do not take your idea of sharing SDI seriously.
You don't want to share even petroleum equipment, automatic machine tools, or
equipment for dairies, while sharing SDI would be a second American
revolution—and revolutions do not occur all that often.”
what brought the USSR
down was a reluctance to use military force to quell insurrection. Previously,
troops had been sent into East Germany
in 1953, Georgia and Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968 to subdue
protests against Soviet policy. When Gorbachev and his Minister of Foreign
Affairs Eduard Shevardnadze refused to use military force to quiet a series of
demonstrations that began in Poland
in 1989 and spread to East Germany,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria
and Romania,
the flood gates of revolutionary reform in the Eastern Bloc were opened.
Economically, the fall
came from pressures that began in the South. In order to offset the added expense
of the military conflict in Afghanistan,
the Soviets increased the amount of oil they produced for sale. Partly in response to the Soviets occupying a
Muslim nation and partly due to the Soviets encroaching on OPEC’s market share,
Saudi Arabia glutted the oil market (from 8.1 million barrels a day in 1978 to
a peak of 9.6 million barrels a day in 1980 and 1981) driving the price down
and negating the Soviet play. That sped up the deterioration of the Soviet
economy, and the increased availability of international oil caused oil prices
in the US (deregulated under Carter by the way) to drop like a rock from $104
per barrel (inflation adjusted) in 1980 down to $28 per barrel by 1988. Imagine how the current US economy
would react if gas prices dropped from nearly $4 per gallon down to $1 per
gallon. That is essentially what
happened under Reagan through no influence of his own. Ironically, had Reagan
was really been the genius at fighting communism that he is lauded to be, he
would have realized that continuing Carter’s cutback of US oil consumption
would have driven the price of oil down even faster, thus speeding up the
economic collapse of the Soviet Union. He could have led the green revolution and
seen the Berlin Wall come down during his administration simultaneously.
And while oil prices don’t
control the economy, they certainly have a huge impact. From the end of World War 2 until 1974 oil
prices remained consistently between $20 - $25 per barrel (inflation adjusted).
That was the largest sustained period of economic growth in American history.
In 1974, when OPEC first decided to exert its influence on the world by choking
off the flow of Mideast oil, the price shot up
to $43. It went up to around $50 and
remained there for the next five years. Remember when the combination of
economic stagnation and inflation (cleverly called “stagflation” in the media)
began? Would that have happened to be around 1979 when oil prices went up to
$78? Did it get worse the following year when oil prices peaked at $104 per
barrel? As noted, they went down precipitously under Reagan, but jumped back up
to $40 a barrel in the middle of the first Bush’s administration. During the Clinton years, they
dropped back down to $25-$30 range until his final year when they jumped to $36
a barrel. They dipped during GW Bush’s first two years but after his invasion
of Iraq
they began to rise steadily until 2008 when they peaked at $97 a barrel. When
Obama was sworn in, prices were back down to $60 a barrel and have been
increasing sharply ever since to where they are now, around $95 a barrel.
Noticing a pattern? But I digress…
So what did Reagan do for
the economy? Well, despite being the guy
who talked up Milton Friedman’s ideas about how much healthier the economy
would be with a smaller government, he actually increased the federal payroll
by almost 250,000 non-military employees and increased government spending by
40%. Those developments sound oddly Keynesian. Unemployment increased from 7.1%
to a high of 9.8% during his first term, but was down to 7.5% by the
re-election, but still higher than when he entered office. It continued to drop
as oil prices went down in his second term. As an aside, in January 2009 when
Obama was sworn in the unemployment rate was 7.8%. By February of that year it
rose to 8.3%, got as high as 10% by October, but in the two years since it has
declined to 8.1% as of August this year. See any similarities? The biggest
difference between Reagan and Obama is that Obama has accomplished the same
thing without increasing the federal spending rate by double digits despite
swimming against a tide of rising oil prices.
Some would argue that the
changes in the tax rate under Reagan is what spurred the economy on, but since
he raised taxes a half dozen times in his two terms along with his famous tax
rate cuts, about the only thing that can definitively be proved is that those
on the upper end of the income spectrum were the primary beneficiaries of the
tax changes. His spending tripled public debt and he was the only president to
not raise the minimum wage since it was established in 1938. He did cut Social
Security by $2.3 billion, but he did so at the expense of high school seniors
(among others) who were depending on those benefits earned by their deceased,
disabled or retired parents to pay for college. In the spring of 1982 they had
a choice - leave high school and be enrolled full-time in college by April 1 in
order to keep their benefits, do both full-time high school and college workloads
at the same time, or finish high school and forfeit all Social Security
benefits. As a further cost cutting measure, the Social Security Administration
did not notify the 150,000 students who would be affected, citing it would be
very expensive to send out individual notices. Reagan is also credited with
getting runaway inflation under control but the author of that solution was
none other than Carter-appointed Fed Chairman Paul Volcker. All Reagan had to
do was listen to the man. Interestingly enough, Reagan fired Volcker
because he didn’t feel he was de-regulating enough. In his place, he appointed
Alan Greenspan, who turned out to be one of the major enablers of the financial
meltdown of 2008. Oh, and the guy who first promoted the notion that government
spending deficits have little consequence? Yeah, Ronald Reagan.
Back to foreign policy for
a second, the Reykyavik summit of 1986 marked the
first time Reagan officially addressed the growing nuclear arsenals. When he
came into office, his rhetoric suggested a man who believed nuclear war was
winnable. It wasn’t until 1983 that he began to realize that was not the case.
So what changed his mind? Was it the September 26, 1983 close call when Soviet
radar falsely detected a nuclear launch and nearly launched an all-out
counterattack that caused him to change his mind, or the numerous published
policy papers that stated nuclear war, even limited in scope, would be
catastrophic? No, it was two Hollywood movies,
the made-for-TV “The Day After” which aired in November 1983, and “Wargames”, which was released in June of that year. It was
Reagan’s viewing of those two movies that changed his mind. Who needs policy
wonks and experts when you can watch a movie or two, eh?
Reagan further added to
his legacy of intellectual absentia with his handling of the Iran-Contra affair
in which neither he nor anyone involved could recall anyone talking about or
acting on diverting millions of dollars from arms sales to Iran, and from
CIA-supported cocaine sales to help support the Contras fight a war with the
governing communist regime in Nicaragua, a fight that would later be rendered
moot by a free election. It was those “lapses” that enabled the legitimacy of
political golems like Dan Quayle, George W Bush and even Sarah Palin to be considered viable candidates. Fifty years ago,
the mere suggestion that those gaffe-masters could be in the White House or
even close to it would have been met with derisive laughter. But
not after the old Gipper.
He sold chemical and
biological weapons to Saddam Hussein, the most insane tyrant in the Middle East… and that’s saying something. How do we know?
Among other places it was reported in one of the most respected defense
journals in the world, Jane’s Defense Weekly. Hussein also made no secret about
having them when he used them against Iranian troops during the Iran-Iraq war
and again against the Kurds to quell an uprising. It wasn’t a question whether
Saddam Hussein had chemical and biological weapons when the US forces invaded
Iraq in 2003; the only question was whether he had any left and whether he had
developed the means necessary to make more.
Another unsettling Reagan
moment occurred in 1983 when he sent the armed forces to Lebanon to restore order in the always turbulent
Middle East.
Instead of imposing order, their barracks was destroyed by a suicide
bomber and 241 Marines lost their lives.
Less than 48 hours later he invaded Grenada,
a move that was criticized worldwide, including by staunch US allies Great
Britain and Canada. A cynic might suggest the invasion was merely
a diversion to the disaster in Lebanon. After all, the coup that had overturned the
government in the former British territory had occurred almost two weeks
before. And although the invasion was
considered a resounding success by the American public – and why not with an
invasion force of more than 7,000 well-trained American soldiers facing 1,500
poorly trained Grenadians and 700 Cubans - it was later revealed that many of the
American fatalities occurred due to the fact that the soldiers were forced to
use tourist maps that had no topography and all the critical locations had been
marked by hand. The support fire was
directed by similar maps but due to minor differences in the hand-drawn
coordinates, they ending up firing on American positions. For all the increased spending on defense,
particularly weapons systems, did anyone in the Reagan administration consider
that logistics might also be important?
Three months later, Reagan quietly withdrew the Marines from Lebanon. Osama bin Laden later cited that withdrawal
as a sign of American weakness.
It’s interesting that
Jimmy Carter is blamed for a lot of America’s problems during that
period, that he was the one who made the country weaker. But it was Carter who began the
funding/arming of the Mujahedeen resistance in Afghanistan that eventually forced
a stalemate with Soviet forces, a policy expanded by a Democratic Congress, not
Reagan. It was also Carter who realized
that dependence on foreign oil was a national security issue, and in 1980 alone
he reduced our dependence on it by 23%.
That policy was reversed under Reagan.
Thirty years, three wars and one horrific terrorist attack later, we
finally seem to be coming to the same conclusion Carter did. In 2010, CATO analyst Ivan Eland published a
book called Recarving Rushmore and in
it he ranked the presidents by how libertarian (read: working toward a smaller
government) their administrations were.
He ranked Jimmy Carter #8, right behind George Washington, largely on
the strength of his de-regulating key strategic industries (airline, phone,
trucking, railroad). Reagan, by the way,
was ranked #34, two spots below noted
liberal, government-growing Lyndon Johnson.
However, among the domestic government programs Carter did initiate was
the Superfund, which has been responsible for cleaning up 347 toxic waste sites
nationwide largely at the expense of the original polluters. As far as defense spending, he directed the
creation of DEVGRU (aka Seal Team Six) after the military's failure to rescue
the Tehran
hostages. Carter green-lighted AWACS (a
system that has been a critical part of coordinating our armed forces for the
last three decades) and the cruise missile program, but cancelled the B-1
bomber, in large part because it was stupid: it carried half the payload of the
B-52, its operational range was 1,000 miles less and could not drop its bombs
at supersonic speeds, its primary reputed advantage to the B-52. Essentially it had no tactical advantage over
a plane 30 years its senior. By the way,
Reagan re-started the program at a cost of $283 million per plane. He built 100 of them. Carter started the B-2 stealth project,
poured funding into the F-117 stealth fighter and gave the go ahead for the
first Trident missile submarines. So, in
summation, he was responsible for reduced dependency on unstable foreign powers
to supply our energy needs, a smaller federal government that made us safer,
and a more effective way to deal with the real threats of the 21st
century. Personally, my favorite Carter
development was the elimination of some of the holdover regulations from
Prohibition that outlawed home brewing.
If you enjoy brewing your own beer or that from a particular
micro-brewery, you can thank Jimmy Carter.
So did he really make us weaker?
Or just smarter? One thing that
is indisputable is that he clearly improved our choice of beverages.
Reagan, on the other hand,
got us more deeply involved in the political maelstrom that is the Middle East and increased our dependency on foreign
oil. It turns out that Reagan’s foreign
policy was the genesis behind many of the major international problems we have
today. He also gave a bully pulpit to a
whole generation of economists who think that deficits don’t matter and who
think Chile
is a shining example to the world about how wonderful Friedman/Chicago school
deregulation/privatization economics are.
That philosophy provided the framework for subsequent meltdown/bailouts
of the Savings and Loan industry in the 1990s, and the 2008 meltdown which will
cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars in bailouts and lost
jobs/wages. Despite his marble-chiseled
reputation, the reality is that Reagan was nothing more than a birthday party
clown. The children at the party were
amazed and entertained by him, and will remember his act in the most euphoric
terms possible. But the adults in the
room will understand that he was just making balloon animals for the kids and
that two days after the party, those party favors became a choking hazard. There’s an old saying that children should be
seen and not heard. Maybe it’s time for
the children to be quiet and do their homework.
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